Car servicing in Kidderminster
When you need to be sure that your car servicing is done by an experienced and competent team, you can count on AVS Ltd. Our services are available in and around Kidderminster and Stourport. Call us for more information on our services.
Contact Us
Hassle free car repairs and servicing
When you need car servicing or car maintenance done in a hassle free manner, you can count on AVS Ltd. Whether you need your air conditioning repaired or your brake replaced, we provide an efficient service. If your vehicle needs to be in the garage overnight, or for a longer period, we will provide a courtesy car.
We can repair:
- Brakes
- Clutches
- Air conditioning
- Diagnostics
- Exhausts
- Engines
- Batteries
We are an independent garage, and can work on and provide parts for any make or model of car or van. We also provide recovery services.We provide car servicing and car maintenance in and around Kidderminster and Stourport. Contact us to book our services.